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Ladies In Bath For Internet Datingin Avon
Learn About 2sexy4myshirt Request Friend Status »
  • Date of Birth? 32
  • Sexual Status: straightsingle man

Latest Status: Sexy 22 year old who keeps going longer than an energiser bunny!

City: Bath , Avon

Bio: 22 year old who's into sports such as snowboarding, scuba-diving, sky-diving, wakeboaring, and all the usuals including football I'm sorry to say ladies. I like looking good and like to buy nice clothes. I hate chavs, and generally can't understand the point in their existence. I'm 5ft11, slim and sporty looking, brown hair, blue eyes, and I'm probabily the best looking 22 year old you'll ever sleep with. Don't really go for spouting filth over the internet, but reckon i can make any girl scream louder than she ever has done before. Some say I'm arrogant, but arrogance is ok as long as you can back it up!

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