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Sex Chat Women In Charlestonin South Carolina
Learn About scsandwalker Request Friend Status »
  • Date of Birth? 58
  • Sexual Status: straightsingle man

Latest Status: Love to travel,visit beautiful historical sites and enjoy the better thing in life

City: Charleston , South Carolina

Bio: An older citzen of the USA that is a postive thinker and likes to stay busy. Enjoy some televison but can not spend a lot of time in front of it or it will put me to sleep. I enjoy reading and listening to motivational or self improvement tapes or discs. I am over six feet tall and weight 215 lbs have blue eyes but I hair deficit. With the right clothing I could be misidentified as a monk. I attend church regularly but am not a fundamentalist. I like to laugh and have a good time which includes two drinks at most and no smoking. I like live theater, most music (not hard rock,rap nor country and western) museums, old homes, beautiful scenery and historical sites. My plan is to vsist most of the western world as I have seen most of the USA.

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