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One Night Stand Simpsonville Womenin South Carolina
Learn About JamDizzile Request Friend Status »
  • Date of Birth? 43
  • Sexual Status: straightsingle man
  • Images: 3Public

Latest Status: I want to play too

City: Simpsonville , South Carolina

Bio: Why are you single? I've been ask that alot and I ca'nt figure it out either. I'm a good looking man that's a little to picky,I suppose,but I know what I want when I see it.We all want some things we ca'nt get but I'm not gonna give up trying.I just lost my Dad so I'm gonna live my life to the fullest! You only live once,sometimes twice and I am a simple man that allways gives back more than I recieve.Honest,noble,trustworthy,outgoing,and laid back. I take life one day at a time,and deal with whatever is put in front of me, the best way I can.The rest you can find out yourself if you want? And not to be conceided. I can deffinatly please a women. I have had alot of time to study seeing how nice guys cant get a girl that likes being treated like a lady and not allways a piece of meat..

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