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Hooking Up Is Easy When You Use The #1 Sex Site - AdultHookup.com!

"We have so much fun on AdultHookup, we don't even bother with bars anymore! "

- CherryPoppinDaddies

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Finding Couples For Sex Is Simple!


Step 1

Join For Fourways

Register in under a minute with these easy steps! 1) Join with a valid email, 2) make up an enticing member name, and 3) validate your email! Then you can start hooking up!


Step 2

Search For Couples

Once you're all signed up you can start browsing compatible gay couples to hook up with! Check out guys based on location, age, physical attributes - or anything else you're looking for!


Step 3

Meet Up For Hot Sex

Start hooking up with hot gay local couples right away! Send messages to couples that strike your fancy or wait for the messages to roll in! Whenever you're ready, you can get laid!

Browse Our Sexy Members


I'm a lot younger than my main man, so he understands that I'm still a lot more sexually charged than he is. We have a "no cheat" agreement, and so he allows me to bring in another couple - pre-approved, of course! I use AdultHookup.com, because it's the best site for gay hookups and threesomes and foursomes. We're both really thrilled with the experiences we've had.


Who says you can't have wild celeb sex? Just because we live in a corn-fed town two hours south of the city doesn't mean we can't have the kind of sex life we desire! We love coming online and looking up other couples. Then we meet up when we're in the city - or they come here for a break away from the hustle and bustle. BEST SITE EVER!


I was browsing one night when I was bored and trying to find a way to spice up my sex life. I've been with my partner for over 5 years now and things were getting stale. I found AdultHookup and told him about it, and we agreed to try a foursome (threesomes might lead to jealousy). It's been weekend after weekend of hot sex since joining! THANK YOU!

How To Find A Hot Local Stud Couple To Get It On With!

How To Find A Hot Local Stud Couple To Get It On With!

We're the most popular gay, bisexual, and swinger hookup site anywhere online! We connect you with the hottest guys in your area, for nonstop group sex anytime you want, wherever you want, and however you want to have it! Who could ask for anything more?! So come and get it while it's hot on AdultHookup.com!
Connect With Millions Of Gay Couples Worldwide!

Connect With Millions Of Gay Couples Worldwide!

We have the largest gay and bisexual male database in the world! Come find men of all ages, races, and body types! Not only do we guarantee that you'll get laid, no matter where you live - but we also give THE BEST FOURSOME SEARCH EXPERIENCE! There are thousands of local couples looking to enjoy group sex, foursomes, and threesomes - and they all come to Adult Hookup! We're the most trusted gay network online. No other site offers SPECIFIC searches for couples!
No One Uses Bars To Hookup Anymore! The Action Is Online!

No One Uses Bars To Hookup Anymore! The Action Is Online!

Everyone is talking about Adult Hookup because it's the hottest site for hooking up. Trying to find guys at bars to come home with you is exhausting and you have to deal with rejection and even drama. When you search for sex online, you only find MEN WHO WANT TO HAVE SEX and desire the same hookup that you're looking for. The majority of our members polled told us that after years spent trying to find a regular couple for casual sex, they had given up - until they joined ADULTHOOKUP! Most people don't want to have to leave their house and drop lots of money on drinks every night just to maybe find a couple to bring home. When you use adult online sex sites, you are GUARANTEED to find what you're looking for and to get laid! FIND A PAIR OF HOT GAY STUDS TONIGHT ON ADULTHOOKUP.COM!

Listen To Satisfied AdultHookup Users!


I used to be married to a woman, then I joined AdultHookup to experiment. Soon I realized I was completely gay. But I'm still kinky, so me and Trey like to find other gay guys to meet up with. We love it. We ended up buying a Jacuzzi for dates because we're having so much fun. Who needs to live in San Fran? Got it all right here!


Hi! We LOVE LOVE LOVE AdultHookup.com! It's rare to find the perfect guy, when you get along, you're both attracted to each other, AND you're sexually on the same page. We found it all, but to complete the picture - we need more. We spent a year trying to find the right place to find guys. It wasn't 'til we joined AdultHookup.com that we got what we were looking for!


Ever had a foursome? If you're looking for the ultimate gay four-way then you gotta join AdultHookup.com! We found everything we wanted here. Hot guys, easy to use, GPS hookup finder, and discretion settings for when we don't feel like using it. I can't believe how easy and fun it has been to use. It's made our relationship so much stronger!

Make Our On-The-Go Hookup App Work For You!

Make Our On-The-Go Hookup App Work For You!

If you're a busy couple then you understand it isn't always easy to satisfy your urges in a timely manner. Often sex and love life gets pushed to the back burner in favor of jobs, obligations, and social activities. We have the solution! It doesn't have to be time-consuming or difficult to find exactly what you're looking for! By using the Adult Hookup app you can have your cake AND eat it too - at the HOTTEST ONLINE PARTY IN THE WORLD! Still not convinced we're the best? Read more and find what else we have to offer to get you hooking up!
Hookup Quicker And Easier With Our App!

Hookup Quicker And Easier With Our App!

Find guys that you can connect with in minutes by using our GPS hookup app! Search based on proximity and find guys in walking distance for hot foursomes! You can search based on guys and couples who are online, or were recently online. If you want to be more specific about your search, find couples who fit your physical requirements, too! Search on the go, while you're in line at the grocery store, or even at work. Send your partner your favorite couples and get their opinion without having to search together in-person!
Have Fun And Get Kinky With The Group Hookup Feature!

Have Fun And Get Kinky With The Group Hookup Feature!

Once you get the hang of foursomes, you can try out our "group dating" feature. Once you find a couple that attracts you, start adding other single guys or couples to the equation - and turn your four way into a party! It's a brand new feature that we've rolled out and so far tons of gay, bi, and straight members having a blast!

Check out who you can hookup with!


I'm used to being very open sexually. I used to live in a small community and we all shared each other's bodies freely. I thought that was going to end once I fell in love and moved to Austin, but one we joined Adult Hookup, we found TONS of other gay couples to mess around with. The GPS function is THE BOMB!


My boyfriend and I travel a lot, and this site has proved to be really good for not just finding sexy gay guys to make it a hot foursome, but also travel companions and places to stay! We love using video chat to meet guys in other countries, then we go visit. I truly am living the life, and every gay man's fantasy, that I always dreamed about.

Check Out These Sexy Features To Help You Get Laid!

Check Out These Sexy Features To Help You Get Laid!

Adult Hookup offers the best features of any adult hookup and sex site. If you're looking for a quick fix with hot studs, then you can try out our image recognition search tool. If you're looking to enjoy some fun online first then you can try out our video chat feature, too! We want you to have fun while you search for sexy hunks to hookup with.
Video Chat Is The Hottest Online Dating Trend!

Video Chat Is The Hottest Online Dating Trend!

Join the party and find out why so many guys are using the Adult Hookup video chat feature! Turn up the kink before you even get to the bedroom by chatting with couples of your choosing. Why not play a round of strip roulette? Or a game of "I'll show you mine" and make sure this is the couple for you. You're not limited to just frisky fun when using video chat though. You can use it to get to know members better and to sustain casual relationships. You can use video chat on your home computer, laptop, or mobile device. Don't be limited by chat messaging, why not explore a feature used by at least 70% of our active gay and bisexual male members!
Use Physical Preferences To Find Your Type!

Use Physical Preferences To Find Your Type!

Try out our physical attribute finder feature and look for guys who fit under the guidelines of what you're looking for. If you're not looking for something long-lasting or to meet guys with the same interests, then browsing users based on looks is totally fair - and we want to make it as easy on you as possible! Like blondes? Search for blondes. Like buff dudes? Then search buff dudes. There's no reason that you can't FIND EXACTLY WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR on AdultHookup.com!

Click now to join and have the hottest foursome of your life - TONIGHT on AdultHookup!

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