


Are You Too Good For Him?


Sometimes you end up wondering whether or not you are too good for your current partner, and it can lead to a lot of questions that you will need to consider. So how do you know? What kinds of things are clear cut signs that you are too good for someone? How can you tell if you're too good for him? There are a lot of ways to know, but definitely some that are more obvious than others. If you feel like you are constantly babysitting or having to mother him, then this needs to be a red flag.

He's irresponsible, he doesn't seem to care, and he's not someone you feel comfortable introducing to your family and friends. He's not doing his share in the bedroom, he never makes decisions or plans, and he is someone that you wouldn't even trust to care for your houseplants. He makes inappropriate comments to you, and you can't depend on him to be there when you need him. If any of this applies, then you are probably too good for your man and you can find out more when you keep reading here!

You Feel Like You're His Mother At Times

As much as it's in a woman's nature to be nurturing towards their partner and others, the last thing that any woman wants to have to take on in an adult relationship, is the responsibility of having to care for and raise a grown man. If this is the way that he is, and you constantly feel like you have to mother him and pick up after him, then chances are that he's not going to change. If he ever was going to change, he would do it on his own, and if he hasn't made the effort already, then chances are pretty good that he never will. Being able to care for oneself as an adult is probably one of the most important prerequisites for being in a stable, adult relationship, so if you're with a man who you are constantly having to remind to do the simplest of tasks, pick up after, dress appropriately, or keep reminding what is and isn't appropriate behavior, then you've basically taken on the role of mother to a dysfunctional man who still has a lot of growing up to do. If you're with a man and you feel like you're his mother, then you need to recognize that you're too good for him.


He's Irresponsible


Whether it's reckless spending of money, forgetting or completely neglecting to pay bills, having no drive or no ambition, and having no savings account, this guy is irresponsible. If any of this applies, then you need to really think through whether or not it's going to be a good idea to continue forward in this relationship. Sure, everyone is going to have flaws, but if he can't remember to do simple things like make sure he has enough gas in his car, keep his laundry done, pay the bills on time, or remember to make it to his appointments, then you've got a guy on your hands who lacks responsibility and accountability, and is never going to be able to pick up any slack in the places where you may need him to, in order to balance out the responsibilities of a two way relationship.

Being with someone like this can be very taxing and again, it's like you have to take on the role of the parent to a dysfunctional adult. Some people might be cut out to deal with this, but in all honesty, if you're not interested in looking after the responsibilities of a full-grown man in addition to your own, then this is not the relationship for you, and you need to bail. Imagine what it will be like when you have kids! Yikes!

He's Not Very Engaged

He just seems so disinterested all the time. He's barely engaged in your conversations and he doesn't ask you how you're doing or how your day went. It really seems like he just doesn't care. The sad thing about a man like this, is that if it does seem like he doesn't care about you or your relationship, then you can bet that he surely doesn't. Not being engaged or properly involved in a relationship is probably one of the most obvious signs that it's not going to last. You don't want to be stuck in a situation with a man who is checked out, so if he's not interested now, he's probably just settling for something that he's either not ready for or that he doesn't actually want. This is no reflection of you either, so don't take that on. Just because he's willing to settle doesn't mean that you have to be. If he seems to be checked out, then you need to consider checking out altogether. He's not good enough for you.

You Don't Feel Comfortable Introducing Him To Your Family & Friends

Okay, if you feel this way about someone that you're with, and that's not a red flag, then it's time to do some serious soul searching. If you're not comfortable introducing him to your family and friends, because you don't know what he's going to say or do that's inappropriate, or his behavior is anything less than respectful, then you need to start taking a look at how this is going to go for you in the long-term. That is a seriously bad place to be in, in a relationship, and there are definitely men out there who are well mannered and know how to behave like a proper, functioning adult in front of your friends and family. Rude public behavior is probably the first thing that got you to wondering whether or not this is someone who you would want to introduce to your loved ones, so before you take a chance and go ahead with introducing them, it's probably a very good idea for you to think long and hard about it. Once you've brought them to your next family gathering or friend function, you're not going to be able to take it back. Sure, everyone has their own unique personality, but if his behavior makes you uncomfortable, then there is a very good reason for that, and you should definitely take that into consideration before you decide to make any important introductions.

He Leaves All Of The Decision Making To You

Because really, you don't have enough to do in a day. Why wouldn't you want to make all of the other decisions on your own, in addition to that. If you're with someone who isn't capable of deciding where to go out for dinner a couple of times per month, or taking a look at what movies are playing, so you can both decide on where to go, then chances are that you're going to end up in a position where you're always stuck having to make all of the decisions in your relationship, big or small. Imagine trying to get his input when you're trying to plan a future wedding, or deciding which schools to put your kids through. A man needs to at least participate in the process of making decisions, so if he's not taking part, he's probably not a good choice for a partner.

You Wouldn't Trust Him To Care For A Houseplant

So you're with this person, and the thought of asking him to feed your cat while you go away with your friends for a weekend scares the heck out of you! Is he going to leave the door open and the cat will get out? Is he going to feel them too much/too little? Will he remember to change the water or scoop the litter box? Will he even remember to go over and tend to the cat at all? If you can't even trust a guy to do something as simple as water a houseplant, take the garbage out, care for an animal as independent as a cat, or otherwise care for anything, then you're too good for him. This isn't your guy.

He's Not Doing His Part In Bed

If this isn't a deal breaker, then I don't know what is. If you're with a guy, and he isn't doing his part in bed to make sure that you're kept satisfied, then there's absolutely no reason to suspect that his behavior in that regard is ever going to change. A sexual relationship between two people is an important part of any relationship, so if you aren't satisfied sexually by him, and he's not giving you any reason to believe that this isn't always going to be the case, then you need to consider walking away, right away. That's a big thing to consider giving up, in order to continue having a relationship with someone, and it's also a huge indicator of how this person views reciprocity in relationships in general. If he's not going to do his best to please you at this point, then it's pretty safe bet that he won't be putting in the work down the road either. If that's the case, then he is definitely not good enough for you and it is time to move on!

He Makes Inappropriate Comments

Whether they're sexist in nature, or they're meant to take you down a notch so that he can feel better about himself, this is completely inappropriate. Sexist comments are not okay, and it doesn't matter how anyone was raised, or what they've been exposed to, if they're making sexist comments to you, then you can bet, right then and there, that they do not and will not ever respect you the way that they should. Those little comments to put you down, to make himself feel just a little bit better about himself? Those aren't okay, either. If he has to take you down a notch to feel better about himself, then you need to keep walking and find yourself a many who can behave like grownup, and treat you with the respect that you deserve to be treated with. Relationships are hard enough at times, without having to take hits now and then, so that he can bolster his broken ego at your expense. Don't stick around for that. You're too good for him.

You Can't Depend On Him

You feel like you're always going through hard times alone, without his support, because he's not someone that you can lean on or depend on. This is a really huge deal, because if there's anything certain about life, it's that we're all going to go through hard times. Loss of loved ones, loss of jobs, kids, illness, and a million other things. If you are in a relationship where you know that you are not supported, and you can't lean on this person, then you absolutely need to bail. There is absolutely no nicer way to put it than that. If he's not going to be there for you when you need him the most, then what do you need him for anyway? You're better off on your own. he's not good enough for you.

Time To Walk Away

If any or all of these points are hitting home for you, then you really need to consider calling it a day with your current fella, and walking away. Sure, it can suck to be alone, but it sucks to be with someone that you feel alone with even more than actually being alone. If you're not having your needs met and you feel like you always have to drive the relationship, then you may as well be driving for just one. You are definitely too good for him.

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