


What Happens To Your Boobs When You Stop Having Sex


It depends on whether you mean right after having sex, or if you stop having sex for a long period, like for years... Basically, straight after having sex, your breasts will reduce in size and become less sensitive. When you stop having regular sex, your risk of breast cancer can increase, and the discomfort of breastfeeding can also go up. Changes in hormones can also occur, and you may feel that the sensitivity of your nipples decreases. Stress levels can go up, too, so it's not all fun! Our recommendation? Regular sex is good for you -- and your boobs.

If you have ever thought about what might happen to your boobs once you have stopped having sex, then AdultHookup has the best online guide for you right here and totally FREE.

Sit back and get ready to LEARN the FUN way, with this great guide all about what happens to your boobs once you have stopped having sex courtesy of your pals at adulthookup.com, the online sex advice one stop tip shop!

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Why Are Boobs So Responsive To Sex?

Breasts are secondary sexual features, meaning that they are integrally linked to your libido. As soon as you start to get sexually aroused, your breasts will start to respond by becoming engorged with blood, much like your genitals do. Your boobs change physically during and after sex which should not come as a surprise to anyone who has had sex and noticed that their boobs go through a few changes. In addition to becoming somewhat enlarged, your nipples will also change color slightly and become very sensitive. Nipple stimulation will also act to increase your receptiveness to the sex act itself.


Is It Normal For Boobs To Change During Sex?


Yes it is completely normal for boobs to change after sex and this something pretty much all women will come to find during their lives. The first thing to stop and think about before you start wondering if you are normal or not, is whether any around you thinks they are normal or not. You can be sure that pretty much all the people you have ever met are either aware that they are not normal, or, if they think that they ARE normal, that they are in reality not normal at all. What do we mean by normal? Is it enough to feel that you are the same as every other human being? Or is there something a bit deeper to it than that? Is it perhaps the case that we are all deeply weir, but that we take comfort in our shared experience of how weird we are together?

If you want to look at it like this, all people are essentially short lived tubes with varying degrees of self awareness, taking in matter and turning into slightly different, smellier matter, all on a rock that flies at terrific speeds through an infinite void dotted with enormous carcinogenic balls of flame. We sweat, we wobble, we dream bizarre dreams, and on top of all that we are expected to conduct rigid and stressful and very social lives, our only distraction being made up stories which we ingest through various glowing rectangles. There is no normal.

Should I Be Worried About Changes In Boobs After Stopping Having Regular Sex?

Changes to your boobs should be something to consider when you are thinking of stopping having sex for an extended period of time in your life. It can be a few days, a week, months, or even years. Worry if you like, but better yet why not take affirmative action and do something about it. Look at the facts -- yes, if you stop having regular sex, bad things happen. Why? Because sex is a form of exercise at root, and because it gives you boosts of serotonin and dopamine, and other natural drugs that make you feel good about life. Should you stop having regular sex? No. So what do you do? You keep having sex. Why would you want to stop having regular sex anyway? Depressed? Sex gives you the boost of serotonin that anti depressants would give you anyway. Sex is GREAT if you have depression. Heart problems? Guess what, exercise through your life REDUCES the risk of heart attack and stroke, so why give up a great form of exercise that you can do pretty much anywhere. Joining a religious order? DON'T. Guess what -- the medieval period ended hundreds of years ago, and women got the vote. Jilted by a lover, or obsessed with someone you can't have ever again? Sex with a new partner is THE BEST way to get over it. Keep having regular sex, that's our advice.

Do All Women Experience Boob Changes During And After The Sex Act Itself?

Pretty much all women will find that the changes to their boobs that we talk about here will happen to them after sex. the reason for this is simple. If you like to think of life as a complex form of machinery -- stay with us here -- then humans are basically systems, like your computer or your other machines, such as the washing machine. All those things have the same basic function and the same basic layout. All humans are built around the same basic biology. Take one human and compare it with the next and you will find the same set of hormones doing the same things, though in differing volumes and to slightly different effects (one woman may get hot flushes, one may have clear skin, the other neither). What we are trying to get across here is that women are all more or less the same system, and across the board women will react in similar ways to the same stimuli. That has to be true, otherwise all of those "how to make any woman want to have sex with you" ads would not work, right? Haha.

Five Best Things About Boob Changes After Having Sex

1. They fit back into your bras. After sex your breasts go back to their OG non sexy time size. This is great if you own a lot of nice bras. If on the other hand you just want a few tatty old titty slings that you only put on to stop the old gals wobbling about when you jog for the bus, then don't worry about it. Better yet if you do not even wear a bra. You do you, girl.

2. Your partner will start looking at your face again. Yeah, it sure is nice when your fella checks out your fun bags when you are getting it on, but your eyes get jealous, do they not. After a while of being objectified by your partner while your dirty baps are swollen with lust blood, it is easy to start feeling, uh, objectified. When your lady lumps return to their usual size, you get to have your sex chum look you in the face again.

3. You will stop considering that very bad idea you were having about starting up an online porn channel. It felt great while it lasted, but girl -- they do not always look like that. And no, you do NOT need a boob job. Most guys like them natural, so whatever nature gave you, work with it.

4. The shrinkage of your boobs will make you want to have sex again. Yay! sex equals bigger boobs. Did you need any more reason to keep having sex? Other than sex, that is.

5. All those selfies you took are postable on Instagram now. Hahaha. No. You cannot post tattahs on Insta. Try it on Twitter though. That works. Maybe not Facebook. Snapchat -- like you hadn't already!

Five Reasons Why You Should Consider Boob Changes When You Stop Having Regular Sex

Okay, this is where it gets serious. These are the reasons why you may want to keep on having sex on the regular.

1. Your stress levels will go up. Yes, it has been proven that if you stop having sex on the regular your stress levels can go up. For some women the change is not one to be that worried about, but for others the stress levels can go through the roof. This along with other later life changes can add to the chance of heart problems, so do bear this in mind when you start to think about stopping to have sex for any long period of time. It may be better in the long run to simply keep on having regular sex -- plus, regular sex!

2. Your chances of getting breast cancer will go up. Sorry to say it girls, but this does have some hard evidence to back it up. One of the great things about having sex on the regular is that your tattahs get a work out more often than not. Beyond the simple jiggling around, your fella may also massage your filth baps with their hands and mouth and other appendages. What all this does is increase blood flow inside your norks which in turn lessens the chances of lumps forming. It also gets nutrients pumping around your air bags which helps to keep all that lovely mam tissue nice and healthy. The blood vessels and arteries also get a good flushing out, which removes any yuck that you do not want in there. So all round, sex is good for titties, and you should keep it up, if only as a form of exercise.

3. Your ability to breast feed may be impeded. Yes, if you stop the good old in out, the rush of blood to the tits that ensues will cease, which can lead to the old chest pipes clogging up or otherwise dilating more or less permanently, so think about this if you are thinking about squirting some lovely mum milk out of your nips next time you squeeze out a sprog.

4. Your nipples will become less sensitive. Oh dear. Your nipples are so much fun when they FEEL EVERYTHING. Why lose that? You want peeps licking and flicking them, don't you? You love feeling the brush of clothes, the lip and nibble of the cool air on your fun bullets, don't you? Better keep up the sex, then, otherwise those bundles of nerve endings that enter the room just before you do will soon become as numb as your thumbs.

5. Your over all sensuality may decrease. Damn.

Is There A Way Of Stopping Boob Changes After Sex?

Well, if you want to stop the boob changes you have when you stop having sex, the answer is to stop stopping having sex.

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What Happens To Your Boobs When You Stop Having Sex?

Ever wondered what happens to your breasts when you stop having sex? Read the latest AdultHookup.com sex advice column to find out now.

What Happens To Your Boobs When You Stop Having Sex?